From Father Varghese’s Desk

How long do we hold onto hurts? 

Two friends were traveling together through an arid and unforgiving desert. As they trudged along the scorching sands, a disagreement arose between them, and in a moment of anger, one friend struck the other across the face. The one who had been struck felt deep pain, both physical and emotional, but he remained silent. Instead, he knelt down and wrote in the sand: “Today, my best friend hurt me.”

They continued their journey until they came upon an oasis tranquil refuge with crystal-clear waters. Grateful for the respite, they decided to bathe. But as fate would have it, the friend who had been slapped suddenly lost his footing and sank into a deep mire. Struggling helplessly, he began to drown. Without hesitation, his companion leaped into action and pulled him to safety.

Once the shaken traveler regained his breath, he took a sharp stone and carved into a nearby rock: “Today, my best friend saved my life.” Perplexed, the friend who had both harmed and rescued him asked, “When I hurt you, you wrote in the sand, but now, you inscribe this moment on stone. Why?”

With a gentle smile, the other replied, “When someone wrongs us, we should write it in the sand, where the winds of forgiveness can wash it away. But when someone shows us kindness, we must engrave it in stone, where no storm can ever erase it.”

Let us learn to let go of our hurts as    fleeting grains of sand, and instead, etch our blessings deep into the rock of our hearts.


Have a Good Week and God Bless,     

Father Varghese

Parish News & Events



EGYPT AND THE GREAT NILE CRUISE 11 DAYS: SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 9, 2025 Cairo, Luxor, Edfu, Kom Ombo, Aswan, Memphis, Sakkara Hosted by Father Varghese $4299 FROM BOSTON* *Air/land tour price is $3599 plus $700 gov’t taxes/airline surcharges  For a More Information, Please Contact: Fr. Varghese Tel: (401) 231-3542 ...

Mass Schedule for the Week

Saturday, March 29 4:00 pm.   Ralph Iannozzi (19th Anniversary)                                           Sunday, March 30 Fourth Sunday of Lent 8:00 am Edward Carlucci 10:30 am Evelyn Maziarek(10th Anniversary)         Monday, March 31 8:00 am.  In Memory of the Gabriele Family 7:00 pm Stations of the Cross Tuesday, April 1 8:00 am   Mr. & Mrs ...

Sanctuary Candle, Altar Candles & Altar Bread Candles will burn from 3/27 thru 4/3

The Sanctuary Candle will burn for:  John Tabis      The Altar Candles will burn for:  John Tabis The Altar Bread is offered for: John Tabis (Cost of the Sanctuary Candle, pair of Altar Candles or Altar Bread is $15 for a living or deceased remembrance) Please call the Rectory at 231-3542 ...

Weekly Collection

Weekend of March 23, 2025     Weekly Offering    $ 4429.00  On-Line Giving       $1021.00   Helping Hand Fund $153.00     Thank you for your Support! ...


NEW PARISH REGISTRATIONS Welcome! Glad you are with us.  Please introduce yourself to Father after Mass. Dear Fr. Varghese: We are interested in becoming parishioners at MMM.    Please send us information: Name:   ____________________________________ Street   _____________________________________ Town:  _____________________________________ State _______ Zip ___________ Phone _________________________________ Email: _____________________@______________ Drop this in the Sunday ...

Parish News & Events

MEETINGS  Confession, Benediction, Stations of the cross at 7:00PM Life in the Spirit Seminar-Thursday, March 27 at 7PM  SPECIAL EVENTS Choir Rehearsal Thursdays at 5: 45 p.m.  ...

If you are a Catholic who has been away from the Church

If you are a Catholic who has been away from the Church, you’re not alone and this invitation is for YOU! Our Faith Community misses you. It is not complete without you! No matter how long you have been away and for whatever reason, we invite you to consider renewing ...


SECOND COLLECTION next weekend is our monthly maintenance collection.    Please be generous. ...


Join us for a profound encounter with Christ through Confession, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction from Noon until 7:30 PM.  Take this time to rest in His presence, seek His mercy, and deepen your faith. Additionally, the Stations of the Cross are prayed every Monday at 7 PM, ...


The Easter Bunny needs some help filling his Easter Eggs. Any candy donations would be greatly appreciated. (Please no peanuts.)  A box will be placed in the back of the church. Thank you for your support!! ...

Please remember in your prayers

Please remember in your prayers the souls of Casime Mowry, William G. Grimes, Raymond A. D’Aquila Jr. and Richard D. DiRocco who were recently buried from our parish. May they rest in peace. ...


Adults: Am I envious of anyone? Do I believe that my own blessings are not enough?  Children: What person makes my life joyful and good? Have I thanked God for the person?  ...


One day a mailman was greeted by a boy and a huge dog. The mailman said to the boy, "does your dog bite?" "No," replied the boy. Just then the huge dog bit the mailman. The man yelled, "I thought your dog doesn't bite!" "He doesn't," replied the boy, "that's ...

Catholic Charity Appeal 2025

When I woke up this morning, I asked myself, “What is life about?” I found the answers in my room... The fan said, “Be cool.” The roof said, “Aim high.” The window said, “See the world!” The clock said, “Every minute is precious.” The mirror said, “Reflect before you act.” ...

Morning Bible Study

Morning Bible Study is held every Wednesday in our church hall from 10:30am—11:30am. Please join us. ...