Masses for the Week

Saturday, February 22 — Chair of St. Peter

4:00 p.m. Pamela Hodgkins (Birthday Remembrance) Kyle Hodgkins (4th Anniversary) Anthony Nigri (6th Anniversary) 

Sunday, February 23 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 a.m. Judy Radican 10:30 am Fr. TJ (Birthday)  

Monday, February 24

8:00 a.m.  Rev. David A. Piacentini  

Tuesday, February 25

8:00 a.m.  Rev. Raymond C. Theroux

Wednesday, February 26

8:00 a.m.  Lionel, Helen, Richard Pelltier

Thursday, February 27—St. Gregory of Narek, Abbot

8:00 a.m. Evan Saran And all living members of his family

Saturday, March 1 – 4:00 p.m. Salvatore & Annina Badessa    

Sunday, March 2—Eights Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 am   Rocco & Catherine Federici

10:30 am Kyle Hodgkins (4th Anniversary) Salvatore & Mary Domenicone (Birthday Remembrance)

Weekly Collection

Weekend of February 9                

Weekly Offering    $4,717.00           

On-Line Giving       $850.00

Helping Hand Fund $125.00      

Thank you for your Support!


NEW PARISH REGISTRATIONS Welcome! Glad you are with us.  Please introduce yourself to Father after Mass. Dear Fr. Varghese: We are interested in becoming parishioners at MMM.    Please send us information: 

Name:   ____________________________________

Street   _____________________________________

Town:  _____________________________________

State _______

Zip ___________

Phone _________________________________

Email: _____________________@______________

Drop this in the Sunday collection basket or give to Fr. Varghese. 

Daily Mass and Extreme Weather Events:

When there is an extreme weather event during the week, please refer to the response of the North Providence School Department.

1…Should there be a delay in the start of the school day here in North Providence due to extreme weather conditions, Mass will not be celebrated in public here at the parish.

2…Also, should there be a distance learning day or no school here in North Providence due to an extreme weather event, Mass will not be celebrated in public here at the parish.

3…If you happen to have a Mass intention scheduled for a day on which Mass will not be celebrated in public, be assured that the Mass will be offered for your intention in private. On any given weekday, whether or the not the North Providence School Department is scheduled to be in    session, the status regarding the celebration of Mass here at the parish will be available by visiting:     


Catholic Charity

The 2025 Catholic Charity Appeal has officially begun. This year’s theme, “Trust in Providence,” is a powerful reminder of God’s grace and the trust he has placed in us to serve others. Our parish goal remains the same as last year, with an overall diocesan goal of $7.5 million. As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the appeal, let us reflect on a century of hope, compassion and support provided to all those in need throughout our state. Please prayerfully consider a gift to the appeal as we strive for 100% parish participation. Visit CCA to make your difference today.



A man who had been a husband for ten years was consulting a marriage counselor. “When I was first married, I was very happy. When I came home from a hard day at the shop, my little dog would race around barking and my wife would bring me my slippers with a heart-warming smile. Now after all these years everything is changed. Now when I come home, my dog brings me my slippers and my wife barks at me.” “I don’t know what you are complaining about,” said the counselor. “You are still getting the same service.”