
The Stewardship Way of Life is a clear response to the call of Jesus to come and follow him. For over 40 years, the members of Mary, Mother of Mankind have looked to follow Jesus through the giving of their time and talent in Stewardship. Listed below, you will find a description of the groups and organizations in our Parish. As you read through it, ask the Lord to open your hearts to His call. Allow Him to be your guide as you seek to commit yourself to His call of discipleship. With Christ in your heart, you will know how the Lord is calling you to serve Him and one another. In serving of the Lord, may we make present on earth the Kingdom of God. Call the rectory at 401-231-3542 in order to volunteer.

Prayer Chain

If you would like to pray for sick members of our Parish please contact Alexandra P. (300-2062) or Pauline N. (231-8012)


Those involved in this ministry assist with the distribution of both species of Communion at Mass.

Candidates must complete a training program before they are commissioned. They are commissioned for a five-year period subject to approval from the Bishop. They will receive a certificate from the Bishop acknowledging their ministry.

Anyone interested in this ministry please contact the Pastor.


As Liturgical Ministers, the lectors share their talents by proclaiming the Word of God at weekday, weekend and special liturgies.

Their goal is to proclaim the Word to those attending Mass in a manner of Praise and Thanksgiving to God for the gift of His Word. A well-prepared lector can do much to enhance the celebration of the liturgy.

If you are considering this ministry, please contact the Pastor.

Youth Ministry

We invite any of the young parishioners who would like to be a part of this wonderful new ministry to join. We are looking for volunteers, leaders, members as well as anyone who wants to donate any of their time. For more in-depth information on our Youth Ministry, please call the rectory.


A team of adult servers is available to assist at funerals by either lecturing and / or serving the Mass. If you would like to volunteer for this ministry, please contact the rectory.

Altar Service

The altar server’s ministry is usually a young person’s first opportunity to minister to his / her parish community.

As an altar server, you are given the privilege of serving at the altar to assist the priest in the smooth and efficient flow of the Mass.

Prospective altar servers must indicate a willingness to accept responsibility of serving at an assigned Mass; as well as, a respect and reverence for Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament.

Contact Father Varghese at the rectory for additional information.

Music Ministry

Invitation to join the Choir – Please join us on Thursday, October 13th at 6:00 PM in the Church for our first rehearsal. Choir members are asked to come every Thursday evening for rehearsals. The choir sings at the 4PM Mass every Saturday throughout the year as well as during the Christmas and Easter seasons. It is a great opportunity to become involved with one of the many activities our Parish offers to you. I hope to see you soon and for those returning to the Choir, “WELCOME BACK”.
Kim Stanzione, Music Director

Greeters Ministry

The Greeters welcome people to the liturgies, and direct parishioners and visitors to various locations within the church building.

This ministry is open to any individual or family who would be comfortable in greeting and extending a warm welcome to those attending Mass.


This group is dedicated to providing the parish with the opportunity to deepen their spirituality through Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

This ministry is open to anyone with a desire to strengthen their relationship with God on a personal and sacred level. Adoration takes place the 3rd Monday of each month.


Parishioners assist in maintain parish grounds. Most work is completed over a couple of weekends (during the Spring and Fall) with an additional day or two as needed. It involves cleaning debris, pulling weeds, raking leaves, trimming bushes, and mulching.


The parish Finance Committee advises the Pastor as to financial matters concerning budgeting, expenditures, creating potential sources of revenue and reviewing all parish financial reports.

This group meets four times a year or otherwise required.

The size of this group is limited to ten (10) members. Contact the Pastor if you possess allied skills and have an interest.


Come to explore the timeless treasure of Sacred Scripture with your fellow parishioners. Moderated by a parishioner each class focuses on a deeper meaning of the very familiar Bible passages we use in the Liturgy each week.

There are no quizzes, no test, just great scholarship and contemporary discussion on the Old and New Testaments and their meaning and message to us today. Bible study is held on Monday evening at 7:00 PM (Except Holidays).


This group seeks to reach out to families who experience the death of a loved one. They will offer support to bereaved families by attending the wake, holding the family in prayer and by sending a sympathy card at the time of death.

Through prayer we may find commonality in our journey through grief. Prayer unties us in our desire to find the tools to cope with our loss and manage our grief.


Diocesan guide is very specific on how collectors are handled at each Mass. This ministry involves the collection of funds during services and assisting the sacristan in securing those funds in a safe and approved manner. Assignment to this position is by the Pastor.


To assist the parish by identifying and implementing appropriate fund-raising activities.

Anyone who would like to assist with the planning and implementation of various activities to help the church become more financially stable is invited to participate. The Annual events are the Snowflake Bazaar and the Triple M Club.


The annual Bazaar is a tradition here at MMM Parish. This event takes place early November each year. Anyone of all ages, willing to participate, please contact the rectory.


Along with the Pastor, parishioners work to coordinate our parish’s annual effort to raise funds to support this diocesan campaign,

Parishioners with time and skills to organize, promote and coordinate the effort are needed for us to meet our goal. Please contact the Rectory if you would like to become involved at this level of commitment.


Volunteers assist in the parish office on as needed basis with a variety of miscellaneous clerical and computer data entry tasks. Help is often needed with making copies, bulk mailing, making telephone calls, etc.


Ministry to the Homebound

A team of Extraordinary Ministers at MMM that brings the Eucharist to our homebound who are unable to attend Mass.

Nursing Home Visitation

Another team of Extraordinary Ministers brings the Eucharist to the residents of nursing homes.

Both of these are very special ministries and they act as an extension of our parish family. They provide much comfort to the sick and dying.

Opportunities to help in one or both of the ministries are available.

If you feel that the Lord is calling you to serve Him and His people in this capacity, please contact the rectory. These ministries are by appointment by the Pastor only.


The focus of this committee is to welcome new and existing parishioners into Mary Mother of Mankind community.

Refreshments are provided after First Communion, Conformation, for special celebrations, and monthly after Sunday Masses.

Individuals volunteer to serve coffee and pastries (bought and homemade).

Everyone is welcome and encouraged to join this committee.


A faith-based association of Catholic men committed to Jesus Christ and dedicated to uniting all men through vital relationship, encouraging their transformations as individuals, brothers, fathers, husbands, and parishioners by living according to God’s word.


This committee works with the pastor to ensure that all of our liturgical experiences are coordinated, well planned and prayerfully executed. This group is particularly involved with the planning and preparation of the environment for Liturgical seasons.


The Religious Education Program (Also known as Faith Formation Program) helps children to grow in their Catholic Faith, as they learn about the significance of believing, trusting, and loving God. As always, the support and involvement of the family is a critical part of this ministry.

The Religious Education program encompasses the nine primary grades. If you would like to participate in this ministry, please contact our Parish Office.


This committee organizes activities allowing the youth of our parish to put their faith into action at all levels. Emphasis is on post-confirmation and young adults to keep them involved after sacramental year.


A group of young adults who focus on service to the Lord. One of the major activities is a week of outreach during the summer. The group lives, prays and serves together at locations such as Jeanne Jugan Center, Emmanuel House, St. Edward’s food pantry and St. Martin DePorres Senior Center.


The goal of this committee is to assist the Pastor and parish, in terms of protecting our physical assets, using their ability and experience to make recommendations and oversee construction and remodeling projects.

This committee is open to anyone who has a building, construction or allied trade background and is appointed by the Pastor.


The Caregiver Support Ministry has a goal of providing a safe and supportive venue to help those who care for their loved ones.

Corinne Calise Russo the founder of this Ministry has now chosen to combine all her experience and provide a ministry in working with caregivers of all kinds. Family members and friends provide a great deal of unpaid care for their loved ones on a daily basis. The increased emotional, physical and financial pressures that caregivers face often lead them to put off their own personal needs in caring for themselves.

Corinne will conduct a caregiver support group monthly at Mary Mother of Mankind and welcomes all to join this group.


The RCIA Program is offered to anyone who is interested in learning more about the Catholic Faith and who would like to become fully initiated in the Catholic Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.

Your guidance and support in planning classes and special activities is sure to help sustain and increase your personal faith and that of the candidates. Contact Father Dennis for additional information.


The Society of St. Vincent DePaul is an international Catholic organization that provides women and men the opportunity to join together to grow spiritually through prayer and person-person services to the needy and suffering in our community.

A key principle of the Society is in the personalized delivery of assistance. This assistance may take the form of intervention, advocacy, and consultation.

The MMM conference provides tangible assistance to anyone who is in need, regardless of religious affiliation.

Assistance includes helping with utility bills, rental assistance, medical bills, etc. The Society scrupulously maintains the privacy and dignity of those it serves. The Society of St. Vincent DePaul is open to all men and women of the parish.

Would you like to learn more about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Please visit the SVdP Rhode Island website at or come to one of our monthly meetings.  We meet at Mary, Mother of Mankind Church Hall the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM. We welcome anyone who is interested to learn more or who would like to join.

Tax deductible donations can be made payable to: Mary, Mother of Mankind SVdP


Would you like to help? Can you spare an hour for our Lincoln Woods nursing home
ministry? This ministry serves the spiritual needs of the residents of Lincoln Woods Nursing Home with a communion service each Sunday and the distribution of Holy Communion by Eucharistic ministers. New volunteers are needed and are always welcome!


This group is dedicated to providing the parish with an attractive, informative and updated website and Facebook page.

This ministry is open to anyone with computer and writing skills and an interest in supporting our parish’s mission through the use of this medium.

You can submit photos, articles, and ideas to